Saturday, October 29, 2011

Let Him Go

I was inspired to write this blog after watching, “The Encounter.”

Part of God’s perfect will for us- women- is and has always been for us to have our Boaz to find us. But because of this fallen world not all of us will experience the great pleasure of having a Boaz to discover us. One, there are way too many who do not know who they are and whose they are. So he wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for you. Two, we want what we want when we want it and so we decide to help God out.

Impatient, many will connect themselves to men that God never desired them to be with. In fact, some are not only connected, but are about to enter a covenant relationship or at the least would like to enter a covenant relationship with someone that God does not desire them to marry.

Your excuse, “But I love him.” Yes you do. Your heart is tender and long for that perfect love. Are you settling for one of Boaz relatives?  You’ve heard the joke. That relative is with you now because he is bored and you are there.  He doesn’t have enough God in him right now to make the good, God fearing husband God wants for you.

You are unevenly yoked! God doesn’t want that for you. You have faith and a relationship with the Father and he doesn’t. What can become of this relationship?

“I can change him. I can make him my life’s ministry. He will learn of you Lord by my example.”

No, what will happen is that he will grow tired of you. He will start looking for his next adventure and eventually he will grow to resent you and your God. Instead of bringing him closer to God you will be the source that pushes him further from God.

Let him go! Pray for him and one day he will find his way. He will find God. But by the time he does your true Boaz would have found you and you wouldn’t even consider the possibility of a him.

Let him go……………

Monday, October 17, 2011

Beet, Celery, & Apple Smoothie

If you have been feeling exhausted, be it because you’ve been recuperating from an illness or injury or just because you’ve been under pressure, then this drink can help you.

Nutritional Value: Vitamins C, A, B complex, and E, iron, and folate.
For one serving, you will need:
1 small beet, cooked
1 small apple, cored and chopped, or about 3 fl oz apple juice
1 Large celery stalk, chopped

Prepare beet for cooking and cook. Google “how to cook beets” – you can bake, steam, boil, roast, bake or microwave.

I decided to steam.

I decided to put my cooked beets in the fridge to get cold. I then blended an apple, a little apple juice, and the celery stalk.

It turned out really well. I couldn’t believe that I was drinking BEETS. Not bad at all.

From: Smoothies and Juices---- Great little book.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Am Pregnant

This is not your typical pregnancy that produces a human child; however, the process is much the same. I am pregnant with vision and the time is nearing for me to birth that which is inside of me- that which I have been carrying for years.

God has sown a seed in my heart, my vision, that since freshman year, second semester of college has been growing and developing on the inside of me. Just as when I was pregnant with Miss Aubrey I knew the time was near when I started feeling labor pains. I am starting to feel frustration as I see so many young people who are not getting a quality education. I feel frustration when I see someone with a school and “seemingly” they do not have the passion for wanting to truly make a difference in the life of a child.

Just when I started to entertain thoughts of "its too hard to start a school, it cost too much, you don’t have a building, so on and so on", a friend (Kahleela Adams) posted this on her wall:

“When u get tempted to complain about and/or give up on your hopes and dreams because it's not happening fast enough; just remember that's usually when you're closest to manifestation. Keep the vision and don't settle!”

Can you say, “Confirmation.” I am about to give birth and I am sooooo excited. Please add your prayer of agreement with me for the manifestation of TRIUMPH Academy.

What are you pregnant with? Share so that I may add my agreement with.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hope for the Prophet and Us!!

So many godly people stay in bondage after they have “messed-up.” They feel unworthy, ashamed and they think how or even why would God restore them after all they have done. This is even worse for someone who is a leader in the church. They fall into corruption, sin or the likes and they are not only judged by society, but it’s a rebuke to God. “He is nothing but a fake anyway.” “Let’s see what God does now.” You know how people put God on trial right along side of the culprit.
I remember (I am almost ashamed to share this story, however, I was very young and didn’t know any better) I had a teenage cousin and he had given his life to God and you could visibly see him trying to live a life that was pleasing to God. However, we (me and a few of our other cousins) use to make fun of him, especially when he did something that was not “god-like.” It became a running joke to say “you such a God man” whenever he did something that we deemed was ungodly. Looking back I can see the pain in his eye as we relentlessly made fun of him and how we associate his wrong doing with relationship with God as if that relationship was not real because he messed-up. But that is exactly what is done to people who have a relationship with God and they “mess up.” They are relentlessly taunted and they are made to feel like their relationship/walk with God before the fall was not real. They then come to believe that God has written them off.
Well just like as a child, I was being used by our foe the devil, these same people are being used by the devil to keep you down and not allowing God to restore your relationship with Him. You don’t have to stay in bondage to your wrong-doings. We must confidently trust in God- even in deep difficult and hard times. Trust in the Lord for redemption because He will redeem you. Say to the devil and those who are lead (many time unknowingly by him) and pray to God what the prophet Micah prayed in Micah 7:

7 As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. 8 Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light. 9 I will be patient as the Lord punishes me, for I have sinned against him. But after that, he will take up my case and give me justice for all I have suffered from my enemies. The Lord will bring me into the light, and I will see his righteousness. 10 Then my enemies will see that the Lord is on my side. They will be ashamed that they taunted me, saying, “So where is the Lord—that God of yours?” With my own eyes I will see their downfall; they will be trampled like mud in the streets. (NLT)

It does not matter how many times you have fallen, done wrong, messed-up or behave ungodly, if you have given your life to God then your relationship with Him is real and He is just to forgive and restore. He is always on your side and He loves us through our mess. That does not mean correction will not occur, but, like any loving parent He will bring correction. However, it is always with a loving hand.

Not Subject to the Times

There is much discussion these days about the economic system of the United States of America. So many people are out of work and don’t know where their next meal is coming from. As would be expected, this is the cause of great anxiety in the lives of millions. But do we really need to have such great concern? Well, it depends on which system governs your life.
There are always two different types of systems operating at a given time, and we get to select which one we will be subjected to- the kingdom of God system or the world system. If you are sold out for Jesus Christ then you operate in the kingdom of God system. As such, we are not subject to, nor do we live under, the dominion, rule, control or influence of whichever way the economy and the world system is going at the moment. In short, these times are subject to the authority of the Word of God, the precious blood and matchless name of Jesus spoken and acted upon by us~ the believers. According to Psalm 31:14-16, our future is in the hands of the Lord and because of His unfailing love for us, He favors us. Trusting in Jesus gives us a peace that we don’t have to be subject to the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, or S&P 500.
Because Jason and I believe these times are subject to us due to our position in the Kingdom, we have peace about our recent decision to step out on faith and for me to become a stay-at-home mom. Now for many people, including some of our own friends and family, this was not a wise decision. Giving up such a stable income in the mist of these “economic times” goes against conventional knowledge. “It’s not a very wise thing to do.” That my dear, depends on which system you subject yourself to. We abide in the secret place of the most high God. We shall fear no evil, and lack is evil. We shall walk by faith, and not by sight. We will continue to put our confident trust in God—Our maker, protection, and provider. Therefore, we are not subject to the Times and we invite you to join us. We live under the open windows of Heaven. So now the question becomes, which system governs your life? Then act accordingly.

Just Surviving? Think Again

Have you asked someone lately how they where doing and they responded, “Just trying to survive?” If so, then you have an opportunity to preach the good news. Tell them that their goal should be more than just surviving; their goal should be to thrive. Confused? To survive could simply mean to just be alive in it simplest state---barely getting by or merely existing. We are called to do more then just get by- we are called to thrive, to flourish, succeed, advance, and prosper despite what is going on around us.

I know this may be a hard message for someone who has been out of work and/or under employed for a while. However, receive it and believe it we must. I would rather lay my head on my pillow at night with hope (the hope that God’s Word gives us) and my neck stretched out (in expectation) then to lay down with doom and gloom. You see, I have seen the Word “work” when it is “worked” time and time again. I have seen immediate miracles and I have seen prayers that were answered over the course of days, weeks, months, and years. God is good, and more importantly God is faithful to keep His Word.

When we become born again and accept Jesus as Lord of our life we are made holy. We are saved not by our good works, but to do good works and to live a holy life. As we enter into this covenant relationship with God, we are no longer subject to this world---we become separated from this world, set part. Now don’t get deep with me when I use the word “Holy”. Holiness does not mean not wearing make up or wearing only dresses. Holiness is not what you do to your outer body, but an inner belief that manifest in actions which are pleasing to God.

In John 17:14, Jesus states in prayer to God that we are not of this world, just like he was not. He goes on to ask God not to take us out of this world, but to keep us from evil. And no, He was not just talking about the “scary” little devil, He was talking about evil of not having any money, food; the evil of not being able to pay our bills or the evil of accepting or thinking that you are subject to this world and all the “evil” that goes on in it. What is so cool to me is that Jesus was specifically praying for His disciples here, but in verse 20 He says, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word…” Wow, we are included in that prayer. Jesus prayed and is stilling praying for us. (Romans 8:34) With Him on our side, how could we fail?
We are separated and cut away from the effects of these times. We thrive and prosper in tough times. Repeat after me, “We are not subject to the economy; we flourish in spite of what is happening.” Amen!

Living Without The Mask

Just a few years ago, you could not have gotten me to post a pic of myself in this state. Not that I am a big make-up wearer, but this pic reveals a true natural state for myself, both spiritually and naturally. This is me not hiding behind make-up, clothes, hair do and any other thing we, especially us women, hide behind.
In my upcoming book, “In Search of True Beauty,” I talk about finding beauty from the inside out. Read an excerpt below:

“One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD…” (Psalm 27:4 AMP). When we come in contact with Him, we come in contact with real beauty. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror, the glory or beauty of the Lord, are being transformed into THE SAME IMAGE…, just as from the Lord” (AMP). And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.
Notice the two scriptures referenced above, “unveiled face” or “Nothing between us and God.” Before we can put on the “veils” of God’s true beauty, we must take all other “veils” off. In other words, before we can put on His beauty, we Have to come clean, “Will the real you please stand up?” Take off the mask. We must remove all of our false sense of security (the make-up/clothes), all of our defenses, all the things we have put our confidence in (people/possessions), all the reasons we feel insecure- take down the walls. This is when we can see Him in all of His beauty, and that’s when we shall be changed!
Are you living without the mask?

“In Search of True Beauty” will be out this fall.

It’s time to start plowing!

The lazy man will not plow because of winter; he will beg during harvest and have nothing. Proverbs 20:8

During my quiet time today the above scripture stood out. It seemed like I have read it or heard someone ministered on it before. Nevertheless, this time, like the word always does, it came alive to me. It’s exactly what we do. Because of how the conditions look we fail to “work.” We are always waiting on perfect conditions before we will step out on what God has told us to do.

From a natural stand point it makes since. Why would you plow in the winter? The ground is hard and it’s COLD out. It’s a lot of work to try to start preparing the ground in the winter for planting season. With snow on the ground and the trees weighed down with ice, what could come of your hard work?

I remind you child of God as well as myself that we walk by faith. What we can’t see is more real then what we can see. Don’t be limited by the season that you are in. You might be in the middle of a snow storm, hurricane, tornado, flood or a heat wave, but don’t be moved by what you see. Sure, these conditions may not be right for the full vision that God has given you, but there are steps you can take now. It’s the perfect season to write your vision and make it plan. The conditions are perfect for research. Start looking up information; get Connected with others who could possibly be resources for you.

Don’t get caught begging during harvest time because you didn’t do enough plowing in the winter.  

Much Love,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Detoxifying My Home

Today was a really good day. Can’t believe how cool it is. September is usually hot~ putting the hot in Hot-lanta. Don’t see this type of weather in the “A” often during this time of the year. I decided to take advantage of it to air out my house.
Recently, I recommitted myself to detoxifying my home. For me, this means going more natural with my cleaning products. Who knew it was this hard to stop using good ole Clorox bleach and other toxic products. It’s almost like having an addition. Ok, maybe not, but we rely on toxic products way too much.

Any who, I opened the windows for a couple of hours to ride our home of stale air. I am not an expert, but I do know that indoor air quality is very poor due to the toxins in cleaning products, carpet, bedding, paint, etc. So unless we air out our house we are stuck breathing the same stale, toxins filled air over and over again. And we don’t even give much thought to it!
Fresh air is good for us. It helps our red bloods cells with oxygen and distributes the air to the rest of the body. So, let’s keep things working well. Take advantage of this unusual weather and open a few windows. Here’s to happy breathing.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To Busy To Put God 1st

I love God! Point blank, period. However, when reflecting on my relationship with Him, I have to admit that He is not always my first priority or better yet, I allow other things/situations to take priority over Him. I don’t mean to, but I get distracted. I get busy. I forget about Him. I sometimes wait to call on Him until I’m at the end when He should have been called on first. So, I often find myself asking, “How can I allow Him to be the first priority in my life so that I turn to Him first. How can I have a personal, lifelong, obedient relationship with Him?

Thanks to my wonderful husband, who is always coming up with suggestions and techniques to help me stay in a place of obedience and strengthening my relationship with Jesus, has been partnering with me in the Master Life series (a bible study that helps you to become a better disciple). Today in my quiet time, God made one thing clear to me-again. He is the needful thing.

Luke 10:38-42 (NLT)
 38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. 40 But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”
 41 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! 42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Many of us, especially us women, are like Martha- concerned with details. We are distracted by house cleaning, cooking, rearing children, meeting our husbands needs, PTA, work, etc. But He is the only one thing worth being concerned about. Don’t miss understand. He knows you have to take care all those things. However, He needs to be 1st, and He will show you have to get all those things done and still have a little time for yourself. But it starts with giving Him His time first.
Once we get distracted we slowly push God out of our life. We then feel bad because we know we are not studying and spending time in His presence like we should. We then start to feel like we are not worthy or have what it takes to even live a life according to Him.
On my prayer call last night, we focused on Philippians 1:6, TLB. "And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns."
Do not worry, continue to press toward a personal, lifelong, obedient relationship with Him. When you fall short, pick up and start again. Remember, He who started a good work in you will continue to help you grow in Him.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

His Ride & Live Chick (ATVing in Aruba)

So Jason and I might just add a whole new definition to the term adventurous. We love experiencing new things. When we saw the ATV tour that was offered we jumped on it and I was down for the ride.
I must really love and trust this man because here we are, at it again (ATVing that is) going up a rocky mountain. Thank you Jesus for always being with us and for my angles of protection.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Eating In Aruba At El Gaucho

I am a self-professed foodie. Eating and exploring new places to eat is one of me and Jason’s favorite things to do. So, of course we did a lot of it in Aruba. We met several people while in Aruba who all said that we had to go to El Gaucho. “It’s a little expensive, but you got to try it,” they said.
On our last night in Aruba we decided to dine at El Gaucho to see what the rave was about.

Man-o-man-o-my!!! They had the biggest, juiciest steaks ever. At first, I likened it to Morton’s, but the more I think about it. It has Morton’s beat. Just look at this steak. It would make a cowboy proud or cowgirl.

I am almost ashamed to say that I eat like a hungry, working man. In the voice of my little cousin who is in pre-school. “I made a happy plate.”

Monday, July 4, 2011

Miss Aubrey Is Eating Good

This is a typical meal for Miss Aubrey. It makes me feel so good to see that my baby eats healthy nutritious meals.
This totally organic meal consist of apples, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice and ground beef.    

Snack Time

Organic apples, carrots, and crackers (not organic, but they are wheat).

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Walk It Out Aubrey

Aubrey is on the move now. Somebody help me. LOL!! Just kidding, it is a wonderful joy to have the opportunity to see her grow and explore the world around her. I am so blessed that the Lord entrusted me with the apple of His eye to guide on this earth.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Living Without the Mask

Just a few years ago, you could not have gotten me to post a pic of myself in this state. Not that I am a big make-up wearer, but this pic reveals a true natural state for myself, both spiritually and naturally. This is me not hiding behind make-up, clothes, hair do and any other thing we, especially us women, hide behind.

In my upcoming book, “In Search of True Beauty,” I talk about finding beauty from the inside out. Read an excerpt below:
 “One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD…” (Psalm 27:4 AMP). When we come in contact with Him, we come in contact with real beauty.  2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror, the glory or beauty of the Lord, are being transformed into THE SAME IMAGE…, just as from the Lord” (AMP). And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.
Notice the two scriptures referenced above, “unveiled face” or “Nothing between us and God.” Before we can put on the “veils” of God’s true beauty, we must take all other “veils” off.  In other words, before we can put on His beauty, we Have to come clean, “Will the real you please stand up?”  Take off the mask.  We must remove all of our false sense of security (the make-up/clothes), all of our defenses, all the things we have put our confidence in (people/possessions), all the reasons we feel insecure- take down the walls.  This is when we can see Him in all of His beauty, and that’s when we shall be changed!

Are you living without the mask?

“In Search of True Beauty” will be out this fall.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Natural Deodorant, The Secret is OUT

I am crazy over organic and natural products. We have to treat the outside of our bodies the same way we treat the inside. Today, I thought I would share with you my favorite natural deodorant. It took awhile, but I finally found Arm & Hammer Essentials Natural Deodorant. It has been my “secret,” without the bad stuff, for the last three years or so. 
Before I started using Arm & Hammer, I tried Tom’s of Maine and Body Satin by Melaleuca. Although, many people will swear by Tom’s of Maine (I do love some of their products) and Melaleuca, I found that they told my “secret” way too often. To be honesty, during my transition from other deodorants to a natural one I did have to carry the deodorant around with me for while until my body adjusted. It’s not perfect, but I feel confident that I am protected and I have peace of mind it’s the better stuff.

Affording it
I general buy A&H Essentials at Publix when they are on the buy 1 get 1 free. I actually have not seen a coupon for it yet. But the b1g1 is a great deal.

Why you should make the change
Most deodorants and antiperspirants have:
Parabens- has been found to play a major role in inducing cancer and disrupting the endocrine system.
Aluminum- has been found to lead to cancer or neurological problems (Alzheimer’s disease).

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another Great Day of Saving

It’s been awhile since I shared with you the outcome of my couponing adventures. Well here it goes. (I will not go in as much details as before….too much time; however, it you want to know more then just let me know and I will be happy to share.)

4 packs of Stayfree Pads
4 packs of Carefree Pads
1 Ecotrin
2 boxes of bandages

Where: Walgreens
Cost w/o savings: $37.42
I paid: $3.74
Savings: $33.68

Car seat law goes into effect Friday (GA)

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Come Friday, all children under the age of 8 are required to ride in a car or booster seat.
The change in the Georgia child-restraint law was signed into law May 9 by Gov. Nathan Deal.
“Many of the injuries from car crashes that keep children from enjoying fulfilling, productive lives can be avoided by proper use of a car seat or booster seat,” said Lisa Dawson, director of the Office of Injury Prevention in the Georgia Division of Public Health, Department of Community Health.
Only children who are over 4 feet 9 inches tall or have a written statement from a doctor for a medical condition are exempt.
Dawson said that all children under age 8 should ride in the back seat, in a car seat or booster seat appropriate for their size and used according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Drivers who fail to strap kids into a booster seat will face a $50 fine plus one point against their license for the first offense, and a $100 fine plus two points for a second offense.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5x7 Folded Card

Dad Collage Noir Father's Day 5x7 folded card
Send special Valentine's Day cards from Shutterfly this year.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Personal Plea

Ok, hello everyone. I have decided to create a blog. As if I don’t do enough on FB, right? Nevertheless, I think this will be cool and I can post all the latest in how I am doing with couponing and other things. Please support a sista, follow my blog. I need some followers:-)
In addition, all of you who are interested in learning the art of couponing the lady I met who has been giving me a few pointers is getting ready to do a class. Let me know if you are interested and I will get more info to ya. If you are on the fence, believe me---it’s worth it. J and I have saved so much and we have been doing it only for 3 weeks.

In the pic below, I got all of that for free (10 things of Percise and 2 packs of liners; cost $52). I only paid the taxes (+/- $4). Not only did I get it for free, but I got two $10 store credits. Now you can’t beat that with a 10 foot pole. LOL!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How'd You Do That?

Since seeing “Extreme Couponing” on TLC  ( )  I have been on a mission to learn how some people get hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars, in food and other products for as little as 5%, sometimes 2%, of the actual total.
I have to admit that I thought about trying couponing a few years ago, but J- that’s the hubby- and I try to eat as much fresh and organic foods as possible. So I dismissed the ideal because…well you don’t see that many coupons out there for fresh and organic foods.
However, once I saw the TLC show “Extreme Couponing” the competitive side came out. I wanted to get those deals, so I started rethinking this couponing thing. I have not changed my eating habits, but I changed the way I think of couponing. Mostly having an open mind and what I have learned is that even with our eating habits there are deals out there. For one, stores like Publix have an organic section that they have sales and sometimes you can get coupons from the manufacturer. For example, we eat Cascadian Farm organic cereal which can cost anywhere from 2.99 to 3.99 depending where you go. Well, one week Publix had a 2 for $5 sale on these. I went to the Cascadian Farm website and signed up and was immediately given 2 $1 off coupons which I was able to use so I got 2 boxes for $3. That was worth it! In addition, I have gotten frozen organic Cascadian Farm veggies for $1 and they are generally $2.50. For two, I realized that I still eat some foods that are neither fresh nor organic, especially condiments. So, whatever your life style, couponing can be helpful especially when your monthly grocery bill is $400+ like ours and that is without Miss Aubrey.
When I got peace about resigning from job to be a stay at home mom, one of the things that I ask the Lord was to allow us to continue to be able to buy organic foods and travel. Well, I have been home for four months now and we are still eating well, and we have traveled to Myrtle Beach for 5 days, been to VA twice and we have four more trips plan thus far this year (Aruba, Destine and VA x2).  I do think this will be an avenue for us to be able to continue with those things that we love to do, but may not be a “need”. Jason and I also realized how this can be a blessing not only for ourselves, but for the kingdom. As we learn the art of couponing, we will use this skill to make donations to our church’s food bank. I am so excited!!!

Many people have already asked me, “How’d you do that?” The funny thing is I am not that good YET and have gotten frustrated and almost stopped.  But I said, “God help me to find great deals on things I use.” Being as faithful as He is, He sent someone across my path that showed me exactly what I needed to do to get the best deal right there in the store. She also gave me her contact info and encouraged me to call. Because I freely received info, I will freely give info. Make sure you stay connected----YOU MIGHT JUST SAVE SOME MONEY!!!